Original Aviation Paintings by Graham Turner - click on image or title for full details |
 | From the Heavens into Hell The observer of an unarmed BE2c struggles to drag the unconscious pilot from his cockpit, while the Fokker Eindekker that forced them down into the mud of no-mans land flies overhead. |
 | Victor & Vanquished Having located the German Albatros aircraft he had forced down behind the British lines, an RFC pilot approaches the dejected German airman, who sits before his aircraft under guard, resigned to life as a POW.Highly Commended at the 2015 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London. |
 | Replacements A newly trained Royal Flying Corps pilot and observer arrive at their first posting, a front line BE2e reconnaissance squadron.Highly Commended at the 2016 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London. |
 | Letter from Home A young Royal Flying Corps pilot takes a moment to lose himself in the words of a loved one waiting for him back at home.Winner of the Wilkinson Sword Poignard for the best painting in oils, and highly commended in the Cross & Cockade Award for the best First World War aviation painting at the 2017 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London |
 | Photo-shoot A BE2e flies over the Western Front on a photo-reconnaissance mission, the pilot operating the lever that would change the glass negative plates in externally mounted C-type camera, while the observer struggles to aim his Lewis gun. Winner of the Cross & Cockade Award for the best First World War aviation painting at the 2019 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London.SOLD |
 | All to Play For RAF aircrew pass the time waiting for the call to scramble during the Battle of Britain.SOLD |
 | Dawn of the Machines On September 15th 1916 tanks went into action for the first time, across the devastated Somme battlefield at the battle of Flers.Winner of the Cross & Cockade Award for the best First World War aviation painting at the 2018 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London.SOLD |
 | 'Oops!' A pilot walks away from his Sopwith Camel having tipped it onto its nose on landing, fortunate that it is only his pride that is hurt. |
 | Exposed Manfred von Richthofen attacks the FE2b that would become his first victim. |
 | Contact A ground crewman prepares to swing the propeller to start the engine of a 10 Squadron RNAS Sopwith Camel.Highly Commended at the 2015 Guild of Aviation Artists 'Aviation Painting of the Year' Exhibition, held at the Mall Galleries in London. |
 | Somme Contact Patrol British troops signal their position to a BE2c flying overhead as they struggle to advance across no-mans land on July 1st 1916, the first day of the battle of the Somme. SOLD |
 | Close Call The pilot and observer of an FE2b walk away from their damaged aircraft, leaving it in the hands of the ground crew to patch up ready for the next sortie. SOLD |
 | Air Fight over Salonika Greek PZL 24s attack Italian Savoia Marchetti S.79 bombers and their escorting Fiat CR 42 fighters over Salonika. |
 | An Inauspicious Start for the Bristol Fighter On the morning of 5th April 1917, Captain William Robinson, who had been awarded the Victoria Cross for shooting down a Zeppelin airship in 1916, leads a flight of six new 48 Squadron Bristol F2As on their first combat patrol, when they are intercepted by five Albatros D.IIIs from Jasta 11, led by Manfred von Richthofen.SOLD |
 | Letord Artillery Spotting A Letord of the French C 11 Observation Squadron directs artillery fire onto the rear of the German lines east of Rheims on 11th April 1917, prior to the ground offensive.SOLD |
 | Air Attack on Indomitable Ju 87 Stuka dive bombers subject the aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable to a devastating attack as she heads for Malta. |
 | Above and Beyond the Call of Duty During the Eighth Air Force's attack on the Messerschmitt factories at Leipzig on 20th February 1944, B17 bombers are attacked by Messerschmitt 109Gs. |
 | Air Battle over Palmyra Vichy French Glen Martin 167F bombers come under attack by Curtiss P40-B Tomahawks of 3 Squadron RAAF, over the ancient city of Palmyra. |
 | Macchi C.202 shot down at Gozo On 27th July 1942, Macchi C.202 of 378 Squadriglia C.T. was shot down by Canadian Sergeant George 'Screwball' Beurling of 249 Squadron, and its pilot, Sergente Maggiore Faliero Gelli, captured. |
 | Gladiators Defend Oslo On 9th April 1940, a Norwegian Gloster Gladiator, flown by First Lieutenant Dag Krohn, dives down on three Junkers Ju 52 transports and their escorting Bf 110, which he succeeded in shooting down. |
 | Meeting the 'Big Wing' As they approach their target - London - on 15th September 1940, Heinkel He 111 H-3s come under attack from Hurricanes of 242 Squadron, led by Sqn. Ldr. Douglas Bader. SOLD |
 | Battle of Biggin Hill On 31st August 1940 RAF Biggin Hill is subjected to another devastating Luftwaffe air raid, the fourth of six over a three day period. As the bombs explode throughout North Camp, 79 Squadron Hurricanes take off to intercept the departing Dornier 17s, while in the foreground, RAF personel take shelter in a slit trench. |
 | 'Berlin Plan, Sandy' Air Marshal Sir Arthur Harris puts his plans to target Hitler's capital into action. |
 | The Raging Inferno The bomb-aimer in the nose of his Halifax looks down on the raging inferno that engulfed central Berlin on the night of 22/23 November 1943 |
 | Battle over Frankfurt A 103 Squadron Lancaster Mk III is attacked by a Junkers Ju 88C-6 over Frankfurt, 20th December 1943. |
 | Tallboy Lancasters of 617 Squadron release their Tallboy bombs over the Wizernes missile site. |
 | Aphrodite A Mosquito PR XVI of the 8th Light Weather Reconnaissance Squadron accompanies the PB4Y-1 Robot aircraft as it flies over Suffolk en-route to its target. |
 | Legion Condor Stuka Attack Ju 87A Stuka dive bombers of the Legion Condor attack the crossroads at Ocala del Obispo on 25th March 1938. |
 | The 'Illustrious Blitz' Junkers Ju 87 'Stukas' dive bomb the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious in the Royal Dockyard in the Grand Harbour in Valetta, Malta, on the 16th January 1941, as she undergoes repairs having been severely damaged at sea six days earlier.SOLD |
 | Attack on Hal Far, Malta Fiat CR.42s straf RAF Hurricane, Gladiator and Swordfish aircraft at Hal Far airfield, Malta, on 4th July 1940. |
 | Operation Bowery A flight of CANT Z.1007 bis bombers come under attack from Spitfire Vs of 126 Squadron as they head away from Malta after bombing Takali airfield on 9th May 1942. This was one of several concentrated attacks on the airfields of Malta to try to destroy the RAF on the ground immediately following the arrival of Spitfire reinforcements (Operation Bowery). |
 | Gloster Gladiator A Gloster Gladiator of 263 Squadron engages a Heinkel 111 bomber over Norway in May 1940. |
 | HMS Glorious A Royal Air Force Hurricane of 46 Squadron prepares to land on the deck of HMS Glorious on the 7th June 1940.SOLD |