Unless described as giclée prints, our prints are produced by the offset-litho printing process, on very good quality paper, and the sizes given include a white border which usually contains a printed title.

To see our extensive range of historical prints by Graham Turner CLICK HERE

Giclée prints

Studio 88's Giclée prints are individually printed to order on very high quality heavyweight (300gsm) paper, using inks which provide the best colour and finest detail of any prints we offer.

Each print is individually printed by the artist, Graham Turner, ensuring excellent quality and a picture that is as close to the original as possible - and it is then signed on the border by him.

Most of our giclée prints are available in a choice of sizes. Dimensions given indicate the overall size, including a plain white border (no title or caption) where Graham personally signs each print.

For full details of Graham Turner's historical Giclée prints CLICK HERE

We also offer a custom giclée print service, where it might be possible to produce a giclée print of a previously unpublished painting by Graham Turner - CLICK HERE for details.

Prints on Canvas

A selection of Graham Turner's paintings are also available reproduced on canvas. These are individually printed on good quality cotton canvas before being stretched on wooden stretcher bars - just like an original oil painting - and then varnished for protection. Graham Turner produces these canvases himself, so the result is as close to the original as possible.

Note that canvas prints have no white border - this is the overall size of the canvas on its wooden stretcher bars and the image extends to the edge.

Each canvas is individually signed (on the reverse, as there is no border) by the artist, Graham Turner.

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS of our range of historical canvas prints.

Image on the left shows the back corner of a canvas, showing the stretcher bars and wedges used to tension the canvas.

If there is another of Graham's paintings you'd possibly be interested in having a canvas print of, please contact us by email -